Photorec recovers moov atoms

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Photorec recovers moov atoms

#1 Post by MartinaVC »

Hey evereybody,

I've used PhotoRec to recover some .mov-files from a 500GB HDD. It found several files and named them with numbers (e.g., but also some files with an additional _moov oder _ftyp on it (e.g. and The ones with the _ftyp at the ends are actually playing but the '_moov'-ones produce a black picture in my player in the duration of the video.

I'm assuming, that _moov and _ftyp are refering to the mov-container. Do you think there is any way, that I can reproduce the videos from the files? Unfortunately there are no equal number in the filenames.
Some additional infos: there are also .java, .plist, .xml, .apple, .gz, .sqlite, .MYI in the recovered folder, but honeslty I have no clue what to do with it.

I would be really thankful, if you can help me with that!

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Re: Photorec recovers moov atoms

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Usually the first atom of the video file is a ftyp. Due to data fragmentation, PhotoRec is unable to find the first fragment of some files and only find the second one. Without a manual data recovery, it's usually impossible to find the missing fragment.