TestDisk version

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Before posting, please read https://www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk.pdf
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TestDisk version

#1 Post by mal50 »

Is there a version of TestDisk that will run when executing from a DOS prompt after booting into recovery mode from a Windows DVD? I need to reset a partition listed as RAW to NTFS. I have tried the DOS and Win-32 versions, but neither will execute. Do I need to boot from another hard drive and add the current non-booting drive as the second?
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Re: TestDisk version

#2 Post by cgrenier »

You can try the Windows 64-bit version of TestDisk
Otherwise boot from a LiveCD http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Livecd
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Re: TestDisk version

#3 Post by europanorama »

use knoppix-live-dvd and save all data to a seperate drive from its filemanager using your mouse. dont try to repair. its the quickest and easiest way. yes it can be done with testdisk but its a complicated procedure.
i have a thread about that. someone else has found it out here.

If you like you can go throught testdisk-procedure to see your data. it could need some time. in knoppix you will see it immediately. navigating is as easy as in windows.