Seagate 1.5 Tb Backup - Windows wants to Format

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Seagate 1.5 Tb Backup - Windows wants to Format

#1 Post by Fossburg »

I have nearly 1 Tb of data on this drive, and have used it for nearly a year with both Windows 7 and 8. I did not format the drive, as it came with a single NTFS Partition - When I select it using TestDisk - it detects 'None'. The warning in 'Green' at the bottom says do 'NOT' select 'none' for Media with a Single Partition. What it does not say, is what to do next. Can you help me, because I really do not want to lose this drive, and the data that is on it. Thanks.
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Re: Seagate 1.5 Tb Backup - Windows wants to Format

#2 Post by Fiona »

Can you choose Intel instead of None and repeating your diagnose?
Please copy and paste the content of your testdisk.log into your next post!
