All DVD files recovered - but some "glitchy"?

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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All DVD files recovered - but some "glitchy"?

#1 Post by gilius »

Drive suddenly became RAW and was asking to format. TestDisk can detect the partition with Quick Scan and recover all files, but:
*Write was reported as being successfull but upon reboot still asks to format
*Some DVD files are "glitchy" when played back

What could be causing these issues - and is it possible to restore all files to their original clean state? The boot sector at the beginning and end of the patition was detected as being ok and identical, so what might explain this issue? I had to change the sector size to 4096.

Any help would be much appreciated!
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Re: All DVD files recovered - but some "glitchy"?

#2 Post by Fiona »

You can try to run a RebuildBS and check are your current and extrapolated boot sector are still identical?
Have another try to copy a dvd file and test it.
Can you copy and paste the content of your testdisk.log into your next post?
It might be possible that your file system is faulty too?