Harddisk seems too small

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Harddisk seems too small

#1 Post by brtdgrf »


I've been looking everywhere, but for the life of me can't figure out what to do. Ran Photorec for a couple of weeks with months estimated to go so decided to abort, hoping to fix my 2TB external disk (one single partition) and save my data with Testdisk.

The disk shows up in Disk Management, part RAW and part unallocated.
1.png (29.34 KiB) Viewed 1727 times
After a deep search with Testdisk I see 3 partitions: NTFS, FAT12 and FAT32 and it tells me "the harddisk seems too small" .
2.png (14.7 KiB) Viewed 1727 times
After continuing with any of the partitions selected I get no info whatsoever and am forced to start a quick search again.

Any help or pointers towards a solution would be greatly appreciated, I can't begin to describe what this data means to me.

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Re: Harddisk seems too small

#2 Post by brtdgrf »

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Re: Harddisk seems too small

#3 Post by cgrenier »

Please post the testdisk.log file content including the result of Deeper Search.