looking for help on how to proceed.

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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looking for help on how to proceed.

#1 Post by unicron »

I have a hackintosh system and i was trying to install Windows 8 with an EFI install. THere are several drives in my computer, so i (thought) i was careful to select the right drive each time i attemped an intsall. The install would fail each time at the step where it copies over the install files (right after you do the formatting). It would fail by being stuck at zero 0% for a long time, and then give some error (i did not write it down but it was just a code), that when i looked it up related to the drive being bad. I attempted the install several times with the same results each time. Finally, i disconnected all the drives but the target, and everything went fine. So i have no idea what that was all about, but it was fixed.

Here is the problem though. After that was all done and I booted back into OSX, one of my drives would not show up. When i opened up disk utility, the drive had 8 volumes all greyed out labeled [disk2s1, NO NAME, disk2s2, NO NAME, disk2s3, NO NAME. disk2s4, NO NAME] when you delete and then format a drive useing windows installer for EFI you get the following 4 volumes visible by OSX [disk2s1, NO NAME, disk2s2, UNTITLED] where 'untitled' is the system data partition.

anyway the point of all this is that the installer clearly did something to my drive. i am hoping to install the results of my scan to get some advice on the next steps.

Given that this was an OSX disk, it was formatted as one large 2TB volume as HFS plus, I think it was partitioned as EFI, but it could have been master boot record. I am not 100% sure.

here is the result right after the can completed. i dont know what this means:

here are the partitions that were found with the quick scan:

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/rdisk1 - 2000 GB / 1863 GiB - 3907029168 sectors
     Partition               Start        End    Size in sectors
>D MS Data                     2048     616447     614400
 D MS Data                   204801     819200     614400
 D MS Data                   616448     819199     202752 [NO NAME]
 D MS Data                   819200    1433599     614400
 D MS Data                  1024001    1638400     614400
 D MS Data                  1433600    1638399     204800 [NO NAME]
 D MS Data                  1638400    2252799     614400
 D MS Data                  1843201    2457600     614400
 D MS Data                  2252800    2457599     204800 [NO NAME]
 D MS Data                  2457600    3071999     614400
 P MS Data                  3072000    3276799     204800 [NO NAME]
 P Mac HFS                 11488999  554325736  542836738
 P Mac HFS               1020053488 1020888895     835408
 P MS Data               1054725823 1061835066    7109244 [~T~_g        2  Č^S^ESd ]
 P Mac HFS               1441121364 1445983395    4862032 [#_^AB ÖL ]
 P Mac HFS               1803898850 1805094529    1195680
 P Mac HFS               1805105942 1805314593     208652
 P Mac HFS               1811758856 1814545139    2786284
 P Mac HFS               1814973086 1817759369    2786284
 P MS Data               1834062296 1834065175       2880 [EFISECTOR]
 D MS Data               1834074935 1834081108       6174
 D MS Data               1834081108 1834087281       6174 [Boot]
 P Mac HFS               1919638188 1933566311   13928124
 P Mac HFS               2158890008 2160303047    1413040
 P Mac HFS               2161515022 2162918981    1403960
 P Mac HFS               2167237912 2167246023       8112
 D MS Data               2237899747 2237905920       6174
 D MS Data               2237905920 2237912093       6174 [Boot]
 P MS Data               2237912208 2237932946      20739 [NO NAME]
 P Mac HFS               2331472976 2331495503      22528
 P Mac HFS               2423458696 2436616639   13157944
 P Mac HFS               2437998092 2451156035   13157944
 P Mac HFS               3013630712 3026788655   13157944
 P Mac HFS               3026788684 3039946627   13157944
 P Mac HFS               3129349528 3129770175     420648
 P Mac HFS               3364127370 3365406161    1278792
 P Mac HFS               3380488220 3382703787    2215568
 P Mac HFS               3382740110 3384955677    2215568
 P Mac HFS               3386557266 3390227941    3670676
 P Mac HFS               3419155188 3420421443    1266256
 P Mac HFS               3428411326 3429677581    1266256
 P Mac HFS               3433058938 3435522305    2463368
 P Mac HFS               3592828212 3608559139   15730928
 P Mac HFS               3641318787 3641785345     466559 [TW_TRG_CD3fs]
 P Mac HFS               3702654874 3716582997   13928124
 P Mac HFS               3730279200 3733033271    2754072
 P Mac HFS               3735606782 3738360853    2754072
 P Mac HFS               3738850471 3742563454    3712984
 P MS Data               3753279632 3753280367        736 [ANACONDA]
 P MS Data               3753280402 3753352529      72128 [ANACONDA]
 P MS Data               3798194564 3798194911        348
 P Mac HFS               3813225672 3813348471     122800
 P Mac HFS               3813425312 3813486671      61360
 P Mac HFS               3883139160 3883343959     204800
I am a bit paranoid at this point as to what i should do next. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: looking for help on how to proceed.

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Have you lost the partition table or is the filesystem corrupted ? Without more information, I will be hard to help you...
Please also post the whole testdisk.log file content.
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Re: looking for help on how to proceed.

#3 Post by unicron »

Well, that is partially the reason for the long introduction, to see if I am missing something in terms of what happened.

My best guess is that i just lost the partition table. I say this because the drive was working just fine before i attempted the Windows install. I think that the windows installer wiped out the table somehow.

With that said though, i am surprised by all of the partitions that showed up. Is that normal? As mentioned before this drive was formatted as one single large partition. Is there a way to confirm this with testDisk? I would be happy to do so if possible.

here is the log file:
log for 09/16/2015 - 2tb drive
(4.1 KiB) Downloaded 293 times
Please let me know if you have any more questions, or need any information. If there is anything I am not providing, it is only because i did not realize that it was relevant.

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Re: looking for help on how to proceed.

#4 Post by cgrenier »

There is no trace of a single HFS+ partition using the whole disk.
As the disk has been repartionned and the partitions formated, if you really have some data to recover, you can always try PhotoRec 7.1-WIP on the whole disk. Note that you will need 2 TB to store the recovered files.
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Re: looking for help on how to proceed.

#5 Post by unicron »

cgrenier wrote:There is no trace of a single HFS+ partition using the whole disk.
As the disk has been repartionned and the partitions formated, if you really have some data to recover, you can always try PhotoRec 7.1-WIP on the whole disk. Note that you will need 2 TB to store the recovered files.
Is that why it is showing so many HFS partitions? The formatting of the MS partitions corrupted the HFS? What would happen if I "write" what it found? Or do a deeper search and then write?

Restoring files with PhotoRec will not recover the files with filenames, correct? my experience with recovery software is that this is typically the case. Problem right now is that I am not 100% sure what was on that drive. it was a backup drive that i rarely access. There were some important things on there, but i can not remember what... dang.