Possible to mount partition with an offset?

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Joined: 23 Sep 2015, 10:00

Possible to mount partition with an offset?

#1 Post by Wheeljack »

Hi all!
After a failed move of an NFTS partition (Gparted crashed in the middle of the operation), I'm now stuck with a partition that has some files working but most are corrupted.
Since I know that I moved the partition exactly 40GB to the left, is there a way to mount the NTFS filetable with it's current information + an offset of 40GB to the right?

I've already recovered lots of files using photorec, but there are still some unsupported filetypes in this mess.

After a deep search, testdisk also finds an old copy of the NTFS table, but I cannot open the filesystem like I can with the currently corrupted one. And I didn't dare to write this one yet.