Dynamic Disk Invalid- Need help asap

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Dynamic Disk Invalid- Need help asap

#1 Post by justang87 »

I am hoping that there is a way to salvage this drive, not sure though, im not overly positive at this point. I will give the break down of what happened.

Two days ago (monday) I went to work and booted my computer, booted fine and I was able to work. skype was down and I just clicked start-restart to see if that would help the skype not connecting issue. I then went to grab a cup of coffee. When I came back to my computer I had the startup repair loop running. It would just try to fix and keep running over and over, I searched and tried lots of fixes, however nothing worked. Kept saying no OS found. I even tried running a system restore from the two most current restores and they failed as well.

I decided I was going to restore to my orig image so I threw my drive on another pc to try and copy the files over before loosing them, that is when I went into disk management and seen the drive showing up as invalid dynamic drive.

tried running testdisk to see what was going on and none of my partitions are showing up. I did do a deep scan yesterday, however i was only able to save a few misc pics and videos and nothing that I actually need. Im stumped and need help asap as this is day 4 of this nightmare and im freaking out a bit.

Ive attached the analyze screenshot-

This is how it was partitioned before the crash- C: Windows ,D:docs, E: System Reserve F: Recovery img
As you can see in the pictures, im not getting any partitions to show.

Do I need to covert this to basic disk to recover my files? I can live with reinstalling everything however I will be heartbroken if I am unable to recover my personal files.

Any other info you need please let me know and I will provide the info.
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Re: Dynamic Disk Invalid- Need help asap

#2 Post by cgrenier »

When the 3 partitions are listed, use 'a' to manually add the first partition startint at 0/1/1 and ending at 0/32/32, set the type to NTFS (7).
On next screen, choose to Write the 4 partitions. This will convert all the dynamic disk to standard partitions.