after a RAID6 reconstruction, my system can't see my partition anymore, tho its finding some stuffs with testdisk
I have 12 disks, on a 20Tb array.
I ran testdisk with partition type "INTEL", and after a deeper search : i could see my LVM partition with this message :
Code: Select all
Disk /dev/sda - 19 TB / 18 TiB - CHS 2431514 255 63
The harddisk (19 TB / 18 TiB) seems too small! (< 37 TB / 34 TiB)
Check the harddisk size: HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...
The following partition can't be recovered:
Partition Start End Size in sectors
> Linux LVM 2138794 202 33 4570309 103 34 39062282240
[ Continue ]
LVM2, 19 TB / 18 Tib
if i seach the partition with type none,
i find a
Code: Select all
> P Linux LVM2 0 0 1 2431514 156 2 39062282240
but the only option left i have is to quit, cause i cant write when i selected "none".
someone has an idea ?
thx a lot