RECOVER cinemaDNG files from SSD

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Joined: 09 Nov 2015, 13:33

RECOVER cinemaDNG files from SSD

#1 Post by floke »


for the last 2 days i try to recover cinemaDNG files from a SSD drive used and accidentally formatted on HFS+ in a BlackMagic Cinema Camera. After formatting the drive we did not write a single new file on it, before it was half full with cinemaDNG sequences (RAW single frame sequences in DNG format - an example of this kind of files can be found here: ). I tried different software but was expecting a lot from testdisk/photorec after reading and talking to different people.
Does photorec recognize the file format? Is there anything I might have not done right while trying to recover? I always get 3 *.plist files and 2-4 *.gz files after the recovery which i can not open.

Thanks for your help