Thousands of 5.21 mb .mov files

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Thousands of 5.21 mb .mov files

#1 Post by whiskyandspice »


I'm attempting to use qphotorec to copy some video files from an external hard drive.

I selected only .mov files from the file types. The process started out great and quickly coped 11 .mov files that I could open and play.

I left the computer for about an hour. When I went to check on the process I noticed that qphotorec had created many folders and is creating 500 .mov movie files in each folder. Each .mov file is a different name but they are all 5.2 megabytes.

The program creates four of these 5.2 mb files each time it reads a certain chunk of sectors. I'm about 6% through and I have about 23,000 of these 5.2 mb .mov files created in 48 different folders.

At the start of the process I selected "whole disk".

Is this normal?

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Re: Thousands of 5.21 mb .mov files

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Have you make the mistake to select to store the recovered files on the source disk ?
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Re: Thousands of 5.21 mb .mov files

#3 Post by whiskyandspice »

Thanks for your reply.

I don't recall seeing that process.

I ran qphotorec again and this time it scanned the entire drive in a few minutes but didn't find any files.

The same thing happened with photorec. No files found.

The drive is in RAW status.

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Re: Thousands of 5.21 mb .mov files

#4 Post by Fiona »

RAW means that you probably have some problems with your boot sector or file system.
There is a partition available.
When your partition is correct, you can run TestDisk / Advanced (select your affected partition) and confirm at Boot.
When the menu List would be available, you can have a try to list your files.
All files and folders should be displayed with correct file names and folders and you can copy them too.
Except your file system is seriously damaged.
Did you try it first?
As long, you shouldn't use Write nor Repair FAT/MFT (have no idea about your file system) to avoid modifying your file system.
When your boot sector and its backup are bad, you could try to run RebuildBS and if it's successful to have another try to list your files at the menu List.
As long as you don't use Write or the repair function, nothing will be changed to your data.
