TestDisk with non-default command prompt window

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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TestDisk with non-default command prompt window

#1 Post by xhhrodpk »

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64. After employing the wmic trick (http://techlikes.com/2010/04/27/windows ... indow.html) to maximize the command prompt window (since full screen isn't allowed in x64), TestDisk doesn't work properly at all. Clearly it has been tested only with the default window size, but non-standard sizes, line numbers etc. seem to throw it off. It becomes completely unusable in such cases, since the successive options keep overwriting each other on the same line.

Would it be possible to detect such situations and implement a simple screen clear before any new options/screens are displayed (or forget the detection and just do it nevertheless)? Hopefully this issue can be fixed in the upcoming 6.14 release. Thanks! :)
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Re: TestDisk with non-default command prompt window

#2 Post by Fiona »

Terminals and consoles are often limited in lines and width.
TestDisk is based on ncurses.
This is a text user interface (TUI) like BIOS and Norton commander.
So it's not a CLI (command line interface) because it works using your arrow keys.
The advantage of a TUI is, it's easy portable to other operating systems.
Also, ncurses is limited in lines and width.
As far as I can remember, even Apple terminals are a little bit smaller?
In case you should ask the developer!

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Re: TestDisk with non-default command prompt window

#3 Post by xhhrodpk »

Thanks for the reply, Fiona. :) I understand that it's not a CLI program and works using arrow keys. Problem is, non-standard Elevated Command Prompt window sizes seem to throw off the program and successive options overwrite older ones instead of the lines being cleared properly first. If that's hard to understand, here's a screenshot (that I ought to have provided in my first post itself I guess):
Bad_TestDisk_UI_in_Wide_Cmd_Prompt_Window.png (51.19 KiB) Viewed 4995 times
See how the text from successive screen is all jumbled up? It gets so bad that a few screens in the program becomes unusable because I can't figure out what's going on!
Fiona wrote:Terminals and consoles are often limited in lines and width.
In case you should ask the developer!
I thought by posting here I did? Or is there some other way to contact the devs? Hope they read this and fix the issue.
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Re: TestDisk with non-default command prompt window

#4 Post by Fiona »

Each report of problems related to TestDisk are highly appreciated.
If I see any problem related to TestDisk and PhotoRec I'll immediately forward it.
But before, I'd like to exclude any other problem.
Did you already restore the default values of your command prompt?
You should execute it as administrator.
Run your command prompt as an administrator.
Go to Start.
Write cmd in search programs and files.
Press both, the Ctrl-key and Shift and press enter.
Confirm to proceed your command prompt as administrator.
Uncheck the Quick Edit Mode from the properties and test it again.
Please let me know.

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Re: TestDisk with non-default command prompt window

#5 Post by xhhrodpk »

An Elevated Command Prompt window of the default size does not exhibit the problem noted above. As mentioned, only non-standard window sizes seem to trigger this issue. If there's anything else the devs would like to know, I'd be happy to oblige.
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Re: TestDisk with non-default command prompt window

#6 Post by Fiona »

I'll forward it.
