Is there a tutorial or detailed instructions available?

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Is there a tutorial or detailed instructions available?

#1 Post by novanz »

I'm trying to recover data from a microSD card that has suddenly stopped working, and saw Test Disk & Photo Recovery recommended repeatedly. I downloaded v6.14, but once I run the application, I really don't know how to use it.

Are there some detailed instructions or a tutorial available anywhere?

I've only had it for a couple of months, and have never opened it in my PC before, so I'm not familiar with the partitioning or anything, and my phone and PC won't recognise it.

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Re: Is there a tutorial or detailed instructions available?

#2 Post by Fiona »

I would suggest to have try to rebuild your boot sector.

Start TestDisk.
Confirm through until you see the menu Analyse (your sd card must be selected).
Don't confirm at Analyse but Advanced.
If no partition is available, please let me know.
Confirm at Boot with enter also.
Highlight Rebuild BS and hit Enter.
Rebuild your BS will be in progress.
Normally, it takes some minutes.
If it's finished, please post the infos or upload a screen.
If you see a menu List, please highlight it and press enter.
Please let me know, do you see your data or an error message.
To get back to the previous screen, easily press q for Quit.

In some cases it was helpful to use partition zable type None.
In Advanced it migt be possible that your card appears as unknown.
You can use type to add your previous file system.
In your case mostly FAT32.

Infos will follow.