Need help with damaged partition

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 05 Jul 2012, 17:30

Need help with damaged partition

#1 Post by bina »

I have a 1TB hard drive which i partially formatted.

I used TestDisk and ran Analyse. Here's what I got:
search result1.tiff
search result1.tiff (20.18 KiB) Viewed 4860 times
stuck at this point as i don't know which partition to choose:
search result2.tiff
search result2.tiff (14.83 KiB) Viewed 4860 times
Here's the log:

Code: Select all

Sun Jul  8 07:22:32 2012
Command line: TestDisk

TestDisk 6.13, Data Recovery Utility, November 2011
Christophe GRENIER <>
OS: Darwin, kernel 10.8.0 (Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun  7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.1
Compiler: GCC 4.0
Compilation date: 2011-11-15T08:36:43
ext2fs lib: 1.41.8, ntfs lib: libntfs-3g, reiserfs lib: 0.3.1-rc8, ewf lib: 20100226
User is not root!
Hard disk list
Disk /dev/disk1 - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - CHS 1953525168 1 1, sector size=512
Disk /dev/rdisk1 - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - CHS 1953525168 1 1, sector size=512

Partition table type (auto): Intel
Disk /dev/rdisk1 - 1000 GB / 931 GiB
Partition table type: Intel

Interface Advanced
Geometry from i386 MBR: head=1 sector=1

 1 P FAT16 >32M             425765734 1951306020 1525540287
sector_size  30688
cluster_size 69
reserved     27157
fats         216
dir_entries  64273
sectors      45041
media        15
fat_length   43070
secs_track   20977
heads        18361
hidden       3011937896
total_sect   574232723
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 06
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=1 nbr=2
 1 P FAT16 >32M             425765734 1951306020 1525540287

Directory /
 41360602 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0 2780741010  1-Jan-1980 00:16 ÿ˙&I¢mMë.•^è
 215179003 -r-xr-xr-x     0      0  11123245 12-Mar-1953 21:11 EòßíœKq.X∆i
 224460992 drwxr-xr-x     0      0 516621312 31-Jul-1998 00:05 —X◊SXch.
 134386441 -r-xr-xr-x     0      0 4028742360  9-Feb-1995 13:48 e¨Íg] Ä*.À%Ó
 208463059 -r-xr-xr-x     0      0 311563251 21-Nov-1920 00:16 Ù‡ym.År§."‚…
 225023494 drwxr-xr-x     0      0 2954720836 14-Aug-2016 21:38 •X£Ô,≈¡ç.¡ïñ
 79066468 drwxr-xr-x     0      0 4281284239 15-Jan-2011 23:02 ∆”∂XuLB.Dz6
 18473137 -r-xr-xr-x     0      0 2166118983 16-Jan-2028 19:23 ôØ$ÜD¨+.A'Ü
 112057323 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0 621809147  2-Feb-2036 00:28 VJk⁄8˝ÃÈ.…œô
 95943423 drwxr-xr-x     0      0 659251344 26-May-1952 10:47 °2B≥ëÕú≠.‘Œ
 219330049 -rwxr-xr-x     0      0 584600725  1-Jan-1980 00:00 ⁄Ä)_÷”X.{j
 143760384 -r-xr-xr-x     0      0 1457334209 19-Aug-1980 09:03 @àÖáfl’*.m‡ò
 199575440 drwxr-xr-x     0      0 1346544930 11-Jun-1940 00:06 [€]Ùì“âı.›©†
 68700905 -rwxr-xr-x     0      0 2321216617  4-Nov-1907 12:28 P’b≠@∫Íä.¢u1
 211928947 -rwxr-xr-x     0      0    599936  8-Feb-1995 00:08 †òEœèæ=.‹Ò¡
 69673504 -rwxr-xr-x     0      0 2416348168 21-Jan-2012 06:52 QßFãt—.-”d
 21426560 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0 1383770632 14-Jan-2001 22:07 zú$ŒÙÑj.8Dà
 93086468 drwxr-xr-x     0      0 983536285 26-Feb-2015 14:34 8@[òÁÎÜ.ê
 236998786 -r-xr-xr-x     0      0 2847951140 17-Oct-1989 03:59 (Äx∞Z_‡.ÕÍ
 254300516 drwxr-xr-x     0      0 2391704195  2-Dec-1924 04:33 A,rÇC:à+.T∆
 99205621 -rwxr-xr-x     0      0 2103054656 12-Sep-1949 08:59 HRı::dž.P
 93633197 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0 2179057708 10-Jan-1992 08:36 E
 171495285 drwxr-xr-x     0      0 1601437998 13-Jan-2005 19:42 y’Ï.=
FAT: cluster=41360602(0x2771cda), pos=2870319190
FAT: Can't read directory cluster.

 1 P FAT16 >32M             425765734 1951306020 1525540287
Boot sector

A valid FAT Boot sector must be present in order to access
any data; even if the partition is not bootable.

 1 P FAT16 >32M             425765734 1951306020 1525540287
rebuild_FAT_BS p_fat12 0, p_fat16 0, p_fat32 1
fat_find_type(max_offset=3529739, p_fat12=0, p_fat16=0, p_fat32=1, debug=1, dump_ind=0)
FAT32 at 580405(426346139/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 580406(426346140/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 588591(426354325/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 589130(426354864/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 589131(426354865/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 589132(426354866/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 589447(426355181/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 589925(426355659/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 596194(426361928/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 602842(426368576/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 612052(426377786/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 617937(426383671/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618011(426383745/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618016(426383750/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618037(426383771/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618038(426383772/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618062(426383796/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618080(426383814/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618234(426383968/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618240(426383974/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618280(426384014/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618285(426384019/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618302(426384036/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 618733(426384467/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 323271(426089005/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 620630(426386364/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 623960(426389694/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 624479(426390213/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 627672(426393406/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 250858(426016592/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 628978(426394712/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 624635(426390369/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 432570(426198304/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 631296(426397030/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 631770(426397504/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 631812(426397546/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 631877(426397611/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 631982(426397716/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 632113(426397847/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 632171(426397905/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 632213(426397947/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 633323(426399057/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 634317(426400051/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 634774(426400508/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 634791(426400525/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 637526(426403260/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 646623(426412357/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 654283(426420017/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 661353(426427087/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 661578(426427312/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 661580(426427314/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 663513(426429247/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 667982(426433716/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 667998(426433732/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 668285(426434019/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 668621(426434355/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 673636(426439370/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 673755(426439489/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 673831(426439565/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 674529(426440263/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 675718(426441452/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 675769(426441503/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 675770(426441504/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 675793(426441527/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 681785(426447519/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 700333(426466067/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 720202(426485936/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 721704(426487438/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 723635(426489369/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 725264(426490998/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 728605(426494339/0/1), nbr=1
FAT32 at 249073(426014807/0/1), nbr=1
FAT differs, FAT sectors=0-1/1
first_fat 580405, second_fat 580406
FAT : 32, reserved=0, fat_length=0
find_sectors_per_cluster skip_sectors=69833 (skip_offset=35754496)
Can't find cluster size

 1 P FAT16 >32M             425765734 1951306020 1525540287
Boot sector

A valid FAT Boot sector must be present in order to access
any data; even if the partition is not bootable.

Analyse Disk /dev/rdisk1 - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - CHS 1953525168 1 1
Geometry from i386 MBR: head=1 sector=1

 1 P FAT16 >32M             425765734 1951306020 1525540287
sector_size  30688
cluster_size 69
reserved     27157
fats         216
dir_entries  64273
sectors      45041
media        15
fat_length   43070
secs_track   20977
heads        18361
hidden       3011937896
total_sect   574232723
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 06
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=1 nbr=2
Current partition structure:
Invalid FAT boot sector
 1 P FAT16 >32M             425765734 1951306020 1525540287
 1 P FAT16 >32M             425765734 1951306020 1525540287
No partition is bootable
Ask the user for vista mode
Allow partial last cylinder : No
search_vista_part: 0

Disk /dev/rdisk1 - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - CHS 1953525168 1 1
BAD_RS LBA=2830684356 915
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 01
     FAT12                 2830684356 3365333165  534648810
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=2830684356, size=534648810, end=3365333165, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=913743765 731
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 06
     FAT16 >32M             913743765 4451601820 3537858056
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=913743765, size=3537858056, end=156634524, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=2350948489 291
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 0C
     FAT32 LBA             2350948489 6292714252 3941765764
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=2350948489, size=3941765764, end=1997746956, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=2880267841 751
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 01
     FAT12                 2880267841 6400420058 3520152218
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=2880267841, size=3520152218, end=2105452762, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=861960600 455
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
     HPFS - NTFS            861960600 4115437839 3253477240
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=861960600, size=3253477240, end=4115437839, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=593804282 319
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 0C
     FAT32 LBA              593804282 3197591267 2603786986
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=593804282, size=2603786986, end=3197591267, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=4086837208 817
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 01
     FAT12                 4086837208 8320006104 4233168897
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=4086837208, size=4233168897, end=4025038808, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=193283133 647
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 06
     FAT16 >32M             193283133  999275115  805991983
BAD_RS LBA=539660832 603
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 0C
     FAT32 LBA             4834628128 6404924301 1570296174
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=539660832, size=1570296174, end=2109957005, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=2068843611 846
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 04
     FAT16 <32M            2068843611 5253217574 3184373964
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=2068843611, size=3184373964, end=958250278, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=1307121435 530
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 01
     FAT12                 1307121435 2191568950  884447516
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=1307121435, size=884447516, end=2191568950, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=3165653166 1163
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 0B
     FAT32                 3165653166 3299407911  133754746
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=3165653166, size=133754746, end=3299407911, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=4078737062 780
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 0E
     FAT16 LBA             4078737062 6004535837 1925798776
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=4078737062, size=1925798776, end=1709568541, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=831149823 969
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 0E
     FAT16 LBA             5126117119 6280067075 1153949957
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=831149823, size=1153949957, end=1985099779, disk end=1953525168)
BAD_RS LBA=1161699965 712
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 04
     FAT16 <32M            1161699965 1569623483  407923519
NTFS at 1953523119/0/1
heads/cylinder 255 (NTFS) != 1 (HD)
sect/track 63 (NTFS) != 1 (HD)
filesystem size           1953521072

I want to recover as many files as possible but I need advice on what to do next. Please.
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Joined: 08 Jul 2012, 07:21

Re: Need help with damaged partition

#2 Post by xpmule »

have you seen this guide ?

i found it helpful

I see you used v6.13. Are you using linux ?
Do you know what your goal is ?
Like what partitions you had before and what ones you are after now ?

Also if you actualy formatted a partition that doesn't sound too good..
Did you mean to say you deleted and/or created a partition ?
because that is different than formatting (in case you didn't know)
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Re: Need help with damaged partition

#3 Post by Fiona »

Looks like your partition table is wrong.
That's why the menu advanced doesn't work.
In your partition table is a FAT16-partition larger than 32 MB.
It uses probably the whole space.
Would it be possible to repeat your diagnose?
You can copy and paste the testdisk.log.
I'd need infos from Analyse and Quick Search.
If no partition would be found, from Deeper Search also.
If a partition is found, please check it and press p to have a try to list your data.

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Re: Need help with damaged partition

#4 Post by bina »

@Fiona & xpmule
i've decided to just reformat the whole hard drive and start from scratch. the files are replaceable and it takes 12+ hours just to scan the whole drive. I've run out of patience.
SO I will not be needing your help but thanks a lot for replying to my post.

EDIT: one more thing can you give me some tips on how i can format my drive to use on linux and windows. like which is the best filesystem to use. will really appreciate it.
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Re: Need help with damaged partition

#5 Post by xpmule »

i hear ya.. i just gave up on fixing my partition problem
i got it restored but can't mount it in windows so i decided to try
paragon partition manager to fix problems and it didn't help but it
has a built in volume explorer and that opened my missing partition
instantly rather than a recover program i tried that took 8 whole hours to scan first
and now at high speed im exporting my lost data with directories + folder names etc
my only problem now is i dont have 800gb free space to back it all up on my spare HDD's
so i have to pick and chose a select 2/300gb's of data i really want.. o well better than nothing

to answer your question ;)
i've used many linux distribs over the years and found that
now a days they can mount ntfs partitions so what i usualy do is dual boot
and when linux is running it will either auto mount my ntfs partitions for me
or learn the commands to do it manualy.. google might be a good idea ;)
and i'm not sure what you want to exactly ? share a drive between both *only for storage
or are you gonna use the partition for one of the OS's AND storage ?
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Re: Need help with damaged partition

#6 Post by Fiona »

@ bina
one more thing can you give me some tips on how i can format my drive to use on linux and windows. like which is the best filesystem to use. will really appreciate it.
There are no best file systems. Reliable would be windows NTFS and Linux ext3 or ext4.
Easy BCD for Windows is a good solution to handle multiboot from windows.
Also you can use grub if you want a Linux boot manager.

@ xpmule
Unfortunately, I can't judge your situation anymore.
It was necessary to write your right partition to the partition table.
Then it might be possible to have a boot sector diagnose to restore your partition directly.

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Re: Need help with damaged partition

#7 Post by bina »

I only want to use it for storage to share btw mac osx & windows (sorry not linux). so i'm looking for the best way to reformat it given the current state it's in.also is there a way to safeguard the hard drive so i don't accidentally format it again?
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Re: Need help with damaged partition

#8 Post by Fiona »

The most common solution would be Apple HFS+ and Windows NTFS.
If you use Apple, you can have a look at Bootcamp.
Most important thing is always backup.
