Accidentally repartitioned... what should I do?

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Accidentally repartitioned... what should I do?

#1 Post by thecaster »

I'm on Mac OS X and I have a 1 TB ExFAT drive that I accidentally "erased" by partitioning the entire drive as ExFAT. No data has been written at all since that moment, and there is about 750 GB of data on it I would like to recover, nearly all of it of the .mov (Quicktime movie) extension. How should I understand this situation, and what should I do? I'm running photorec right now, but I can't tell when I should be using testdisk and when I should be using photorec. Do I have any hope of recovering my files? Will they be unorganized or all broken if they come? Thanks sincerely for your help.