Filesystem may be damaged, BS OK, MFT not OK!

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Joined: 09 Aug 2012, 11:48

Filesystem may be damaged, BS OK, MFT not OK!

#1 Post by MerNion »


I have a WD Cavial Blue 250GB WD2500AAJB disk which all of a sudden stopped working. I run testdisk from a livecd and eventhough it says that it is NTFS and displays the size correctly, when i try to list the files it says "Filesystem may be damaged". From the Advanced menu > Boot it says the Boot sector and backup boot sector is OK, BUT it can not read the MFT.. Look at last screenshot.

Here are the screenshots from testdisk:

The important one though i think is this one:

What do I do now that MFT can't be read...?

Thanks a lot!
Last edited by MerNion on 02 Dec 2012, 23:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Filesystem may be damaged, BS OK, MFT not OK!

#2 Post by wargo »

Did you try "Repair MFT"?
Posts: 3
Joined: 09 Aug 2012, 11:48

Re: Filesystem may be damaged, BS OK, MFT not OK!

#3 Post by MerNion »

Yes, it is the last screenshot above. "Can't read NTFS MFT".