after replacing my broken mainboard I did a clean install of Windows 10 (UEFI) and then had the problem that my internal drive (4TB) was not accessible for third party programmes due to missing rights. In a board post I've read about a way to clean the rights attributes via diskpart but because of my pure stupidity I read the wrong line and did a 'diskpart clean' on my drive which resulted in the deletion of the partitions and now I only see the drive as 'unallocated space'.
I had multiple partitions on the drive (1 for movies/music and 1 for backup). When running 'EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard' one lost-partition is found with movies and music but I do not care about these files. All I want to recover is my backup partition as it contains photos from the children growing up and as my notebook (with the files on the drive) was stolen - I have no copy of them.
After running the 'clean'-command I was asked whether I want to declare the HDD as MBR or GPT and I chose GPT. All partitions were formatted as NTFS drives before. I haven't done anything else so far as I did not want to make it worse...
I am totally frustrated and have no idea what to do. Please help me.
I received the following message while doing the Quick Search (I chose INTEL instead of GPT as I wasn't sure whether the partitions were MBR or GPT but now I've seen that the other drives are GPT so I assume that I should have chosen GPT here):
Code: Select all
TestDisk 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
Christophe GRENIER <>
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive2 - 4000 GB / 3726 GiB - CHS 486401 255 63
The harddisk (4000 GB / 3726 GiB) seems too small! (< 4559 GB / 4246 GiB)
Check the harddisk size: HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...
The following partitions can't be recovered:
Partition Start End Size in sectors
> FAT16 <32M 334401 149 7 554335 59 35 3533234069
FAT32 415820 234 31 504023 166 25 1416976906
Code: Select all
TestDisk 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
Please select a destination where /VB and any files below will be copied.
Keys: Arrow keys to select another directory
C when the destination is correct
Copying, please wait... 0 ok, 9581 failed
Code: Select all
Can't create file \/VB/Fotoalben/ABI/P6263101.JPG: No such file or directory
Also I am note sure whether I should try to recover the partitions or better just try to recover the files (photos).